Turkmenistan Visa
& Immigration


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Foreign embassies Contact

Checklist of accredited foreign embassies and missions in Turkmenistan.

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Visa Application Fee

After you enter Turkmenistan with your visa, you have to register your stay at the Migration Police (OVIR)

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Turkmenistan Visa

Complete guide to obtaining a Visa for Turkmenistan

You can only visit Turkmenistan and get a visa through an authorized travel agency or another sponsor. It is one of the least visited countries in the world.
The Turkmenistan visa policy is fairly strict. Everyone has to get a visa and an invitation letter before they travel, except certain holders of diplomatic or service passports. This process can take months, and the tour bookings can often be expensive.

We Offers Citizenship & Immigration Services

Everyone needs a Turkmen Visa to visit
Turkmenistan, except:

  • Armenia


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Below is the list of accredited foreign embassies and missions in Turkmenistan

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Ambassador Hasan Zeynalov

2062 (Bilim) Street No. 44, Ashgabat 744020
Tel: (+99312) 364609/08
Email: ashgabat@mission.mfa.gov.az
Website: http://www.azembassyashg.com

Republic of Azerbaijan

Ambassador Vyacheslav Beskosty
Kipchak Street No. 39, Ashgabat 744001
Tel: (+99312) 482965
Email: turkmenistan@mfa.gov.by

Republic of Belarus

Ambassador Naicheng Qian
Archabil avenue No. 45 (Kuwwat hotel), Ashgabat 744000
Tel: (+993 12) 488105
Email: tkmemb@126.com
Website: http://tm.china-embassy.org/rus/

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Ms. Narine Sahakyan, Resident Representative
UN Building, Archabil Avenue No.21, Ashgabat 744036
Tel: (+99312) 488325
Email: registry.tm@undp.org

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Mr. Mikhail Rahmanov, Head
Azadi Street No. 44, Ashgabat 744000
Tel: (+99312) 945796

World Health Organization (WHO)

Dr. Egor Zaitsev
UN Building Archabil Avenue No.21, Ashgabat 744036
Tel: (+99312) 488325; 488404; 488393

World Bank

Mr. Serdar Jepbarov, Operations Officer
UN Building, Archabil Avenue No.21, Ashgabat 744036
Tel: (+99312) 487450/54
Email: ashgabat@worldbank.org
Website: http://www.worldbank.org/ru/country/turkmenistan

United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Mr. Chary Atayev, Officer-in-Charge
Address: UN Building, 21 Archabil St., 744036, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Tel: (+99312) 488325

United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR)

Tel: (+99312) 488325
Email: TKMAC@unhcr.org
Address: UN Building, 21 Archabil St., 744036, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Mr. Mohammad Fayyazi, Country Representative
Address: UN Building, 21 Archabil St., 744036, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Tel: (+99312) 488325
Email: ashgabat@unicef.org
Website: http://unicef.org/turkmenistan

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Ambassador John Macgregor, Head
Address: 15 Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy (1966) şaýoly, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Tel: (+99312) 946092; 945116
Website: http://osce.org/ashgabat

Office of the UN Resident Coordinator

Mr. Dmitriy Shlapachenko, Resident Coordinator
UN Building, Archabil Avenue No.21, Ashgabat 744036
Tel: (+99312) 488325
Website: http://www.untuk.org

Delegation of the European Union

Ambassador Diego Ruiz Alonso
1st passage of M.Kosayev Street No. 8, Ashgabat 744000
Tel: (+99312) 344677

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Mr. Azat Atajanov, Head of Country Office
UN Building, Archabil Avenue No.21, Ashgabat 744036
Tel: (+99312) 488407/08
Email: iomashgabat@iom.int